Enhancing Capacities Program

Resource List: Enhancing Capacities Program

Preparation Package

Information to read

Forms and Questionnaires to fill out 

Questions to reflect on and journal

Content and Steps

Session 1  


Introducing participants

The program objectives

Establishing group norms

End-of-session appraisals

Grit and self-aspects

Getting to Know Your Interests

Practical, worldly-oriented interest categories

What is interest, and why does it matter? 

Continuing to Know and Deepen Your Interests

Strengths, Person-Job fit, Engagement 

Session 2 

Welcome and Sharing

(Revisiting interest domains and areas) 

Making the Best of Your Capacities: BEST model

Purposeful living: Goals and Self-concordant goal-setting

Hope, Mindset, Perseverance 

Positive Capacities and the components of grit:

Passion or sustained interest, perseverance, sustained effort in goal pursuit, self-regulation, back to sustained and focused interest

Enhancing Psychological Capacities: The Script. A Focused Intervention in 60 Minutes or Less. 

Creating Wellbeing Micro-Habits

Developing micro-skills: The Anatomy of Skill

Session 3: Psychological Flexibility and ACT 

Session 4: Positive Leadership