Coaching Positively to know your strengths, seek positive emotions, and encourage growth and development

Introducing Positive Coaching

If you harness positive psychology, you can know and value your strengths and note and value others’ strengths. Your mindset could lead you to grow and develop and encourage others to do so. You could actively seek positive emotion and trigger it in others through careful words of acknowledgment and respect. You could seek genuine happiness for yourself and others.

You can benefit from using the positive coaching approach in areas important to you, focusing on building your resourcefulness and positive self-beliefs. Furthermore, positive coaching approaches, tools, and techniques impact and contribute positively to your life. So, use these skills in situations and areas important to you. Practice positively.

Core positive psychology themes related to psychological wellbeing are strengths, mindset, resilience, positive emotions, relationships, and personal growth. These themes ground the positive coaching approach, helping people turn their aspirations and ideas into action and enabling them to live more fully in the present as they successfully build a better future.

Goal-setting focuses on what you want to be different and better instead of dwelling on the misery of the problem. Your language is also critical to how resourceful you feel concerning the issue.

Applying the relevant research in your everyday life, you can experience the most useful ideas from positive psychology, adapting them to your benefit and making a difference in your personal, professional, and social life.

Positive Psychology and Coaching Positively

Positive psychology is about what works, focusing on conditions and experiences for wellbeing and happiness. The main positive psychology themes linked to coaching focus on success and how to achieve it, goals and desired outcomes, strengths, and developing positive emotions, resilience, mindset, and positive relationships. Enhancing these areas is foundational to the good life.

Positive psychology findings are based on quality research focusing on the application and what works, justifying approaches and practice methodologies that move beyond developing good ideas and thinking.

Main themes of positive psychology and their use in coaching positively

Strengths are a major focus in positive psychology. Focusing on what we are naturally good at produces better results than constant attention to what we don’t do well. So even if people come to coaching to comply with some development needs assessment or a personal development plan, intending to get the low scores up rather than leveraging the high ones, a strengths-based approach delivers improved individual and organizational performance.

Positive emotions enhance resourcefulness and scope of action. People can overcome challenges that keep them stuck when they are not making hoped-for progress by tuning into positive feelings associated with past and present successes.

Resilience is the ability to cope with pressure and tough situations. Lifestyle behaviors to keep one’s energy and focus on essentials enhance resilience when coping with the pressures of learning and delivering during transition or change.

Mindset is our frame of mind and how we make meaning when faced with difficult moments in our personal or work lives. Making useful meanings and appropriately re-framing attributions and assumptions about what is happening can provide useful insight into situations.

The quality of the coach-client relationship is key to the learning that emerges. Establishing and maintaining a high-trust relationship is the foundation for the client to enter openly into dialogue and freely discuss their important issues.

Personal growth is at the heart of coaching for the client and the coach. The coach brings his or her strengths, capacity for positive emotions, resilience, mindset, and capacity for a positive relationship to the coaching as a resource for personal growth, fostering authenticity and facilitating trust and openness.

  • Strengths
  • Positive emotions
  • Resilience
  • Mindset
  • Positive relationships
  • Personal growth